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In English, we continue to apply all the key skills we have learned over the past weeks to box up and write our own Cornish legend in the style of the Mousehole Cat. We have some brilliant stories emerging - from a a deadly disease outbreak in Harrowbarrow to a ferocious storm down in the Lizard peninsula. I can't wait to see all the stories published next week.
In Maths, Year 1's have completed their unit on Place Values and are ready to move on to a new unit on Addition and Subtraction next week. Year 2's are almost at the end of their journey into the world of Multiplication and Division.
In Science, Class 2 have also continued their enquiry into the world of Everyday Materials by going on a material hunt. We concluded the lesson with a very heated class discussion around why we use certain materials to make different objects. Some of these opinions and comments have been captured on our Science wall for everyone to read.
In RE, we summarised our learning about Islam so far by discussing what we thought God meant to a Muslim based on our understanding of the Shahadah and the 99 names of Allah. On wednesday, we continued our enquiry into using music to create mood and pictures with Mrs Lane.
Year 1s from Class 1 joined us again for another afternoon of Computing. We reviewed our rocket design and have begun to look at what digital softwares can help us with our design. We are all really excited about using Sketchpad to design our rockets next week.
Over the past few weeks, we have been exploring printing in our Art lessons.
We began our journey into the world of print making by using our limbs (and our senses) to print. Squishy, messy fun was had by all! Then, we began to look at another form of print making - dry rubbing. We had a lot of successes at taking rubbings of everything from leaves to twine... as well as a lot of frustrations. However, we have begun understand different mediums and materials, and are beginning to be sensitive to how different materials need to be handled.
This week, we explored relief printing using plasticine. We have had some interesting conversations around how different shapes create different silhouettes. We also took time this week to look at all the different printing we have done and how each sketchbook looks so different even when we are using the same medium.
Adding suffix -ed
All children who are off the phonics programme are signed up to the Accelerated Reader scheme. Please follow the link below to access the Renaissance website and log on using the user name and password sent home on their bookmarks. Alternately, you can scan the QR code here.
This term, Class 2 have been looking at stories with a familiar setting using the text from The Mousehole Cat By Antonia Barber to inspire us. Over the past few weeks, we have analysed the original story, and figured out some key skills we might want to magpie in our own story which we will begin planning and writing next week. This week, have learned how to use amazing adjectives to describe a character's emotions, and learned a new punctuation - the apostrophe - and used it to show possession.
Now, we can't wait to add these and all the other skills into our own story next week!
In Maths, Years 1's have been investigating place values of numbers up to 20. We have especially enjoyed using the number line to 'jump forwards' and 'jump backwards' to find one more and one less than a number. In the meantime, Year 2's have been busy brushing up on their multiplication and division skills. We found that this term;s KIRFs have really helped us complete some complex tasks in lesson.
In Science we continue investigating different materials around us, while in Art we tried our hand at making dry rubbings of a variety of objects and textures. We had oodles of fun (mixed with some real frustrations and amazing learning) in ICT when we had a go at using our I-pads to create and print a list.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
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