Welcome to Class 4.
Here you can find information about the class, weekly homework and the latest on what we have been covering. PE this term is on a Thursday afternoon and we are going to Copper Valley Juniors for gymnastics.
This term we are looking at the Vikings. We are looking forward to a visit from "Blast from the Past" on Thursday 6th February to make Vikings shields and talk to us about all things Viking.
Here is some information that might help you but feel free to get in contact either by catching me at the start or end of the day or by emailing me. My email address is mpinfield@harrowbarrowprimary.co.uk
Key Links
Accelerated Reader: https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/studentportal/
TT rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/
Looking for a good book to read? Try here for some recommendations https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/year-5/
This week we have been looking at writing newspaper reports based on our class novel, The Coming of Dragons. Here is flavour of what we have been doing with orientations by Lexi in Year 6.
Yesterday night, storm Hermia hit the coast of Looe. As the storm was thundering, ship Spearwa was heading out to the coast of Bodmin. Halfway there, the ship sank. The next day, a box covered in sea brine was washed up on the shore. A bystander, who was minding his own business walking their dog, stabbed his toe on the box, causing him to notice.
Well done for the Year 6s taking part in bikeability this week. You did brilliantly out on the roads despite the cold!
We are continuing to add fractions with denominators that are multiples of each other for Year 5 and adding any fractions for Year 6.
Here are the spellings for this week for my group: disconnect, dishonest, immature, immortal, impatient, imperfect, unlock, invisible, independent, incomplete
Here are the spellings for Mr Watt's group: superglue, superhero, superhuman, superman, supermarket, supersize, supersonic, supertanker, superwoman
Here are some quick maths questions you could try with your child.
Year 5 quick maths
1. 9 x 6
2. 90 x 6
3. 7 x 6
4. 70 x 6
5.5 x 6
6. DL
7. 7,321 – 355
8. 5,689 + 489
9. What are the factors of 18?
10. What two prime numbers make a square number?
Year 6 quick maths
1. 9 x 60
2. 90 x 60
3. 7 x 600
4. 70 x 6
5. 5 x 0.6
6. DL
7. 77,321 – 355
8. 505,689 + 489
9. What are the factors of 18?
10. What two prime numbers
make a square number?
This week we have been looking at add fractions in Maths. You can find out more here https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhdwxnb/articles/z9n4k7h#z4y97v4
Here are some of the Kirfs questions that we have been looking at if you would like to try them at home.
The spellings for this week for my group are: ambitious, cautious, fictitious, infectious, nutritious, scrumptious, superstitious. The spellings for Mr Watts's group are: antibiotic, anticlockwise, antiseptic, anticlimax
antifreeze, antisocial
We have also been looking at newspaper report. Read some example ones here: https://www.firstnews.co.uk/sample-issue/
Here are the spellings for Mr Watts's spellings group for this week. It is the re prefix.
reappear, rearrange, rebuilding, reconnect, recycle, redecorate, redo, refresh, reheat, renew, replace, replay, rewrite
This week we have been performing our Tyger, Tyger inspired poems in assembly. We have been learning about improper fractions and converting between improper factions and mixed numbers. You can find more about this here at the BBC website. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zyxsf82
The spellings for next week for my group are words ending with -cious. Here is the list that we will be looking at in class:
atrocious, delicious, conscious, precious, ferocious, malicious, spacious, suspicious, vicious
We will also be looking at recapping the 6x tables. You can practise these here: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button or by logging on to TT Rockstars.
For those who would like more of a challenge:
a) think about how many number in the 6x table are before or after a prime number. For example, 18 is one more than 17. Can you think of any others?
b) do you notice anything if you add the digits of any number in the 6x table together?
Here is the curriculum map for the term. We are starting the term by looking at the Vikings before moving on to think about the oceans after half term.
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