Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement 2024/25

Agreement for School

We shall help your child to do well at School, all staff will do their best to:

• Care for your child’s safety, wellbeing and happiness.

• Encourage your child to do their best and behave appropriately at all times.

• Provide a curriculum to meet your child’s needs.

• Keep you informed about your child’s progress and how you can help at home.

• Be open and welcoming at all times.

• Keep parents/carers informed about general school matters.

• Maintain confidentiality at all times.

Agreement for Parent/Carer

To help my child to do well at school, I will do my best to:

• Ensure my child attends school regularly and on time and properly equipped.

• Ensure contact details (including new phone numbers etc.,) are kept up to date with school.

• Make sure that my child is collected on time or notify the school if there is a problem, (including clarifying who will collect my child).

• Make the school aware of any concerns, problems or medical conditions which may affect my child.

• Support the school’s policy on behaviour (available from the School Office and website) and encourage my child to keep to the school’s rules.

• Show an acceptance for all people.

• Support my child with their home tasks and reading, and whenever possible, promote opportunities for learning at home.

• Attend parents and carers evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.

• Ensure that my child follows the ‘Acceptable use of the Schools IT systems and Internet’ when using IT equipment 

• Ensure that neither I nor my child will post anything online or on social media which could harm the school’s/Trust’s reputation.

• Be polite and courteous in tone when any member of my family or friends contact the school following the Trust Adult Code of Conduct.

• Support the school/Trust in its endeavour to educate my child/ren.

• Contact the class teacher initially, if I have a worry about my child.

Pupil Expectations (please read this through with your child)

I agree I will do my best to:

• Be on time and not miss school, unless I am ill.

• Behave well and keep to the school rules.

• Wear my school uniform and stay tidy in appearance.

• Be an active learner.

• Be polite and helpful to others (all children and adults).

• Show an acceptance that people are different.

• Be proud of my school, take good care of property, equipment and the school environment.

• Look after my personal belongings and respect others property.

• Deliver messages between home and school.

• Follow the rules for ‘Acceptable use of the School IT systems and Internet’ when using IT equipment.

• If I am unhappy or need help, I will talk with an adult.



Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.